Saturday, February 16, 2019

Kumbaya and all that stuff

About 7 years ago I decided I wanted to get back into a sport that I hadn't participated in for years. With this decision came me joining a women's blog about the sport. It was kind of a "girl power" thing. It was supporting each other on our training logs and through injuries. Cheering on milestones and wins.

At one point, I was at work and in a tremendous amount of pain. I went to the doctor and ended-up in the ER. It ended up being the start of a nightmare that would take a couple years to play out. Anyway, I had a cyst on my ovary. We started playing the wait and see game.

I had one of my follow-up visits with one of the doctors in the same practice where my OB/GYN practices. The way the pain had been, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with the sport. I just thought of the cyst rupturing. So, talking to the doctor, he said he wasn't sure it was a good idea. He said something like the jostling around might cause a rupture.

I go to the blog. The supportive community of women. I explained what was going on with me. I said what the doctor said. And, BAM!, mockery of the doctor took place. They insinuated the doctor was a chauvinist. There were comments about how women shouldn't play sports because there uteri would fall out. And any other statement along those lines.

The cyst grew. I ended up having surgery. It turned out the cyst was an endometrinoma and it was the size of the bottom of a soda can. I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I was in my 30s and this was news to me. This explained why were not having success getting pregnant.

I went back to the people in charge of the blog and said that I was no longer going to participate. I was focusing on other things in my life.

The response I received from one of them was, "Having a baby won't fix all your problems".

Maybe I should be over this by now. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter? I guess it does, to me, I guess it does.

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